January 13, 2022
The Next Steps for Entrada
All postsEver since an injury from inefficient technique threatened my ability to play the piano early in my career, it’s been my mission to bring healthy, injury-preventive playing to pianists across the world.
I spent years distilling what I learned from Yoheved Kaplinsky, Tai chi, the Alexander Technique, and the Feldenkrais Method® – along with the work of many past and present piano pedagogues – to develop a systematic approach to technique that allows for healthy, well-coordinated, expressive piano playing.
I call it three-dimensional technique, and that’s what you’ll learn in Entrada.
There are still so many common practices that many people never second guess. For instance, did you know that the popular “thumb-under” technique is counterproductive and can lead to injury?
Or that using opposing muscles ineffectively will slow you down much like if you ran with your toes curled?
Or that continuous alignment adjustments make it so much easier to play everything?
In Entrada, you’ve always been able to access hundreds of skill videos that address these issues and to play and teach three-dimensional technique. That technique is reinforced in our extensive library of Masterclasses, along with “deep dives” into music you enjoy playing.
I’m happy to say that we’ve just taken things a step further.
For the first time, Entrada is available to use on any device, now including your phone! No matter where you are, you can keep your piano skills sharp and pursue your own musical journey, with detailed guidance to develop both your technical and musical abilities.
We’ve made Entrada even more affordable, and introduced a free trial, so you can explore healthier, more expressive piano-playing, risk-free.
I’m excited to report that I’ll be offering live events, beginning in April. As always, we continue to add new Masterclasses on pieces you love, at least twice a month.
If you play the piano, I hope you’ll give Entrada a try. The risk is all ours, as you can cancel anytime. I look forward to hearing what you think, and hope you’ll join our community of music lovers who are eager to improve!
Musically yours,
See what’s new in Entrada! Try it free for 14 days!
- We’re Mobile: Entrada is available on all devices, now including your phone! Learn effortless piano technique no matter where you are.
- New Masterclasses: Regular additions of Masterclasses on the pieces you love, led by concert pianist and award-winning teacher Fred Karpoff.
(Curious? Watch a Free Masterclass HERE)
- Reduced Pricing: Entrada is more affordable than ever. We’ve reduced the prices to all our plans by nearly 40{4121679deb218d40d431a13245a48eca26953f3d206d8515a148b38d969cf9eb}.
- Free Trial: Now you can try Entrada risk-free with our 14-day free trial. You can easily cancel from within your account at any time; no questions asked.
- … and more on the way!
Dear Mr. Karpoff,
From early years, I have loved music. When my siblings chose to go into town on Saturdays to get groceries, I chose to stay home, and plunk out hymns on the piano. My parents could only afford about 4 years of lessons before my senior year of high school; so I’m largely self-taught in piano.
I was delighted to be in your workshop for the Tualatin Valley OMTA years ago. It made such a difference in my teaching. My students–especially the ones doing the Syllabus program–often hear the stolen mantra: 3 dimensions; no tension!
The studio I work for charges $40 per 30-minute lesson; but it only gives me $13.75 of that, making it difficult to afford any extras. Doors are opening for me to start my own business this spring. So I will finally be able to take advantage of your program soon! thank you for your kind and generous offer!!